Tuesday, November 29, 2005

MATTERS OF INTEREST: The ephemeral facade of beauty

I will forgo the usual pomp and circumstance ascribed to these sporadic updates.

Matters will be going away for awhile. It's time to travel the earth. Matters will leave you, the loyal worstevers, with a broken shard of Matter's life to ponder in his month's absence.

Every morning Matters drags himself out of bed to face the unforgiving embrace of the daylight. He does this not by fortitude or iron-willed tenacity, but by rote, as it was scripted by the Hebrews at the dawn of creation. He greets the morning with the bleary eyed complacency of a rodent grown accustomed to the confines of its cage. There is nothing new or innocent that cares to be discovered.

Matters will train an unfocused gaze out the portal in his ceiling for some five minutes every morning, waiting for consciousness to reclaim his existence. On a rare morning Matters will be taken off guard and humbled by the overpowering beauty of the earth and all of creation, and will futilely attempt to capture the grandeur in a photograph. The following is the resulting detritus, now strewn across the internet like so many unwanted children. If you should feel the urge to vomit cover your mouth and nose and imagine yourself in a field of poppies.

09/07/05 7:15 AM
10/04/05 7:14 AM
11/04/05 8:20 AM
11/07/05 7:14 AM
11/16/05 7:12 AM
11/29/05 7:23 AM


Anonymous said...

So am I to understand that you're staring at my house, possibly at my bedroom window (see bottom left window in photo 2), as I'm finishing my nightly slumber?

Anonymous said...

I miss the red arrows that your last post is sorely lacking. What the hell. With Matters gone and Henners lost in the abyss Aaaron you have a lot of work to do. You should bring in a guest contributor like bricheezie, seems to have some interesting thoughts. I would hate for WBE to become a stagnate waste land. ***cue tumbleweed across active browser window***

Matters said...

Adubs? Flaming? Fruit? I see there is a hidden subtext already.

Bricheezie, you have my full endorsement if you'd like to pour your soul into this vile sewer of a blog. It will make a fine addition to the WBE trophy room.

Please do not feel obligated to uphold any sort of thematic vision in your tenure here. But just in case you're interested, I'll give you some starting points:

Adubs: Jolly, but dribbly. Write as if you just took a huge wad of pork gelatin into your mouth, and you're finding it difficult to keep corralled with your big rubbery lips.

Henners: Quietly respectful and simple. Confident in his superiority over man and nature. Write as if you know violating a strangers most private places, physically and mentally, won't make you happy, but you'll do it anyway from boredom. Aloof.


Henry Myint said...


I initially had something relevant to say, but get this.

My word verification is:


the Bekka said...

Oh yeah? Well, my word verification is tyuomang - isn't that the name of the country/planet where Henners is from?

Henry Myint said...

No no, Tyuomang is a small village in the southwestern province of China. I'm from Yomaisaho, which is just north of Yerdadatemeowt in the Qing province.

We invented Sweet and Sour. It was originally Sweet and Creamy, but well, some of our bulls got into the pickle patch.

Pickup or delivery!