Monday, September 19, 2005

I Love Nuts: A Comparative Review

So in an effort to stay healthy and save money...well...thats not true.

So in an effort to stay healthier and have more money for booze and that back-massager from Brookstone I want, I've started eating nuts at work.

I think its a great idea. I buy a giant bag of nuts from Shaws and keep them at work, and munch on them nuts throughout the day. They prevent me from buying crap out of the vending machine, which is usually unhealthy and overpriced. They also prevent me from buying sodas and stuff too. They generally curb my appetite. And I drink lots more water to get the bits out of my teeth. Furthermore, I'm even more popular now because people like coming by and munching on my nuts.

But the point of this review is that I've been thinking about what my favourite nuts are...lets find out!

Peanuts: meh. They're alright. I was never much of a fan of peanuts, salted or unsalted. They're just kinda blah.

Almonds: pretty darn good, but they're tough to munch, especially after you've had them out for a couple days. I found them to be a little hard going down too, since they're so brittle.

Pistachios: way tasty, but they're super salty, and can get messy with the shells and the powderyness (thats now a word) and the skins. I guess peanuts have the same disadvantages.

Cocktail Shrimp: the meatiest, juiciest nuts around, but not particularly good for you. Plus they get expensive unless you do your own cocktail shrimp-picking. Cocktail shrimp farms are the best, so long as your dont throw the shrimp around (strictly prohibited). Great place to buy fresh-made cocktail shrimp cider and cocktail shrimp pies.

Cashews: they taste alright, but they kinda remind me of limp penises. I frown upon macaroni too.

Macademias: what the fuck are macademias?

Walnuts: damn tasty. they don't remind me of shriveled gentalia at all, though they should, and no messiness to worry about, provided you get them pre-shelled.

Looking at all the options. I'm probably gonna go for pre-shelled walnuts, if I can find them at Shaws. But first I gotta finish off this giant bag of pistachios, and the half bag of cheesy poofs I keep for my monthly wine-and-cheesypoof parties at work.


This reminds me of that thing Henry did once. Remember when we were on Spring Break and he caught know. He had Cocktail Fever. The picture I took will explain all. Best Spring Break Ever.

love, A-Dub

1 comment:

Henry Myint said...

I gotta say, thats damn good.

I love the blur on that shrimp. Money.