Tuesday, September 20, 2005

With Love, Matt.

The following e-mail was received last night. It has been reviewed for content and modified to fit your TV.

How could you start the worst f***in blog ever without my f***in input? I don't mean to say that in an indignant sort of way, but rather as a c**ks**kin legitimate question of f***in practicality. F***in, I have reams of evidence, and at least five f***in credible sources to attest to the fact that f***in everything I f***in touch predictably and precisely decays into a state of abject crap. F**in. I have every f***in confidence that any contribution on my part to any hypothetical f***in blog would send it into a horrific and tactless spiral of decline the likes of which would surely dwarf any possible f***in measure of morbidity that you might hope to f***in maintain in your so called "worst f***in blog ever." I'm sorry to be so f***in critical of what is clearly a legitimately heinous f***in travesty against the f***in auspices of human thought, but from my f***in perspective you are f***in doomed to f***in fail in your f***in attempts to alter the f***in world through bad f***in writing.

Point in fact: Aaron is ALREADY spelled with an extra A.


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